Monday, June 8, 2009

the first few days

I took a ton of pictures on this trip. and trying to narrow them down is extremely hard becuase they all have a story, they all remind me of my experience. Hopefully you can all bear with me with A. all the pictures and B. the stories i will try to tell even though my friends will tell you how bad of a story-teller i am...

A few of us on Sunday went to church and it was awesome.
We were definitely distracting all the little children. We should have sat in the front row instead of the middle so they could all face forward.

This is a view from a rooftop in the slums near Nairobi

We went to a few extra orphanages and schools throughout the weeks and this was one of them and they performed for us and it was awesome.

what the safari vans are like on the inside with some awesome people!

i loved the little children they are so cute and will just hold on to you and think you are just fascinating.
this little guy on my left was named Alfred and seriously so cute! i have more pictures of him when he smiles. I wanted to keep him.

This girl had beautiful eyes.
she was so cute and so shy

there is Ritch trying their hula hoop which was a tire for a bicycle.
They were so good at it.. we were not..
getting to work at Isaac's school

these they call mutatu's (spelling?)
They are everywhere. Kenya's "taxis" and driving in Kenya is a scary scary thing. Rules don't really apply and cars will drive right toward you or pull in front of you but our drivers are awesome! Isaac, Pollycup (apparently we found out the last day his name isn't really pollycup but i think pollycah? but we called him pollycup all week) and George.

I'm so tired from the jetlag. Hopefully my blogs to come with make more sense then this one with more sleep.

2 thoughts:

Brooke Wilkins said...

I want Alfred! He is soooo cute! You need to post the video of the kids saying "How are you" That is sooooo cute!

meeshw said...

For the record, Im loving all your photos and stories...:)