Saturday, March 7, 2009

the worth of a soul

there is a framed picture in my friends apartment that i am absolutely obsessed with and finally last night i asked her the name of the artist.

I've been searching for a large picture of this that isn't framed (mostly because i dont like the frames they are selling it with) but i can't find one except for this one you can get unframed but only at 22.5x16 i was hoping to find one a little bigger.. :-/ hmmm..

i really love it.. don't you?

it is by Liz Lemon Swindle and the art work is called The Worth of a Soul

here is her story of the painting...
When Mothers Without Borders approached me about going to Africa, I told them I was not interested. For me Africa was a world away, “and besides,” I thought, “I am too busy.” Imagine my surprise when I found myself on a plane to Zambia in June 2007.

One of the first children I met was Kennedy, the little boy you see in the painting. At three years old he has lost both of his parents to AIDS and was found living alone with his six year old brother and ten year old sister. When I thought of those three children struggling to survive and the millions of others across Africa in similar circumstances, I felt an overwhelming hopelessness and said to myself, “No amount of money can fix this.”

Later that day while we were filming, Kennedy jumped into the arms of the man portraying the Savior. As I stood watching them, Kennedy turned towards me and our eyes met. At that moment I knew it wasn’t hopeless. I realized that the Savior can fix not only the problems of Africa, but of the whole world…and we can be His hands to do it.

Looking back I realize that my reasons for not wanting to go to Africa are likely the same as yours. We are busy and feel like we cannot make a difference, but I know now that neither is true. We are never too busy to lift another and every good work is known to Him who said, “Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of…these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.” - Liz Lemon Swindle

4 thoughts:

Anonymous said...


Love, Ghandi

Brooke Wilkins said...

wow, you even have ghandi commenting on your blog now. amazing! i love it, it is an awesome picture!

Amy G said...

This is beautiful. Something to look forward to after your trip to Kenya.

Kim Messick said...

Wow! That brought tears to my eyes...It really put my life into perspective today! Thank you Chels... Good luck on your trip to Africa...