Wednesday, March 4, 2009

compliments.. from the mouth of Carl McGown

as abraham lincoln said "everybody likes a compliment"
or from the mouth of mark twain "I can live two months on a good compliment"

quotes like these make receiving a compliment so true.. especially when they're from great people.. one for example carl mcgown. (famous in the volleyball world)he's been helping coach our volleyball team this spring and when
he speaks--you listen--then do what he says.
he rarely gives out compliments and when he does you can seriously live off of that for 4 months instead of the said 2.
he knows volleyball. he travels the world and helps pro teams and olympic teams. His favorite place to travel to is Switzerland (he loves the mountains.) but he has been to or has lived in Tahiti, Samoa, New Zealand, and Japan just to name a few...

anyways to move along with my story Carl and I have a fun relationship..
he pretends to dislike me and pick on me..
but deep down I know he likes me

a few encounters we've had recently:

carl: (talking to the team about overpasses) "next time someone overpasses you have to do 5 digs, the second time you'll do 10 digs, the 3rd time 20.. and you (pointing and looking at me) I hope you overpass 4 balls..." (i just laugh---like thats going to happen)

at the end of practice -- me:
"hey carl.. you didn't have to hit at me. I never overpassed..."

carl: "Hey little rugrat come here! (trying to be all tough and give off the scary vibe) .... you played well today (and smiles)"

wait. time out!
was that a compliment!?
what a monumentous day.
he is either getting soft being with all these beautiful girls everyday at practice...
or i did play well..

no matter what is true
i'm putting it in the books.

thanks carl!

7 thoughts:

Brooke Wilkins said...

ok you are totally going to laugh at me. But I seriously just go tso proud of you, maybe even a little tear or two. I love you! You are awesome and I can't wait to watch you play in the fall!

Anonymous said...

Carl is tough, shawn played for him both maybe even patchell, so I've watched him and you are right, not sure i've ever seen a compliment. I know you are amazing in every way and in all facets of your life. You are amazing whenever you put your mind and heart and work at something you always win.

I love you. Enjoy and keep up all the good things in your life.


Amy G said...

That is so fun. I love that. His compliment to you has made me smile today.
Love you

meeshw said...

Good job Chels, that's awesome.

Noelle said...

Oooh my little superstar Chelsea! Carl wants you!!

Elise said...

cool chelsea! so fun!

Anonymous said...

haha I loved this in practice. I think you're right that he seriously loves you but just likes to pick on you to make you better! funny story though! haha :)
